+357 22 319090
Arxiepiskopou Makariou III 6G, Latsia, Nicosia, 2220



GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and Website Policies
GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) is a European Union regulation that came into effect on May 25, 2018. It aims to protect the personal data of EU citizens and sets strict rules on how organizations collect, use, and manage personal data.
GDPR Highlights:
1. Transparency and Consent: Organizations must clearly inform users about what information is collected, for what purpose, and how it will be used. They must also ensure users' consent to the collection and processing of their data.
2. Rights of Users: Users have the right to:
o To know what data is held about them.
o Request the correction or deletion of their data (right to be forgotten).
o To object to the use of their data for specific purposes.
o To have access to their data and request its transfer to another provider (data portability).
3. Data Security: The regulation requires security measures to be taken to protect personal data from unauthorized access, loss or destruction.
4. Breach Reporting Obligations: Organizations are required to notify the relevant authorities and affected users in the event of a data breach within 72 hours of its detection.
5. Impact Assessment: Before collecting and processing personal data, organizations must assess the impact on users' private lives and take appropriate measures to limit these risks.
What does this mean for Old Holy Barbershop?
For the Old Holy Barbershop website, GDPR compliance includes:
• Information and Consent: Ensure that privacy and cookie policies clearly inform visitors about the data collected and ask for consent when required (eg for marketing cookies).
• Custom Policies: Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy, and Cookies Policy must reflect your practices and comply with GDPR requirements.
• User Request Management: Create procedures to make it easier for users to exercise their rights, such as accessing, correcting or deleting their data.
• Data Security: Make sure that the personal data you collect is properly protected with measures such as encryption and secure storage.
Important Note:
Because legal requirements can vary and change, it is recommended that you consult with an attorney or GDPR expert to ensure that all of your policies are fully compliant with the law.